In case you establish a brand new site, it’s critical to locate the best style for it. In the Hosting Control Panel it can be done really fast. We have got for you a wide range of more than 800 one–of–a–kind website styles available for zero cost. They are offered with every one of our cloud hosting accounts and are 100% easy to customize.

Nearly all of our web templates are created for only’s services and are not obtainable any place else outside the Control Panel. Consequently the likelihood to locate someone else with similar theme as you tend to be small.

800+ Free Website Themes

Completely customizable. Automatic Setting up

To save you time when choosing the perfect appearance for your site, we have designed a assortment of over 800 free website themes inside the Control Panel. The web templates are built to handle several topics and desires – you can find themes for both private web sites such as blogs or portfolios and then enterprise sites or e–stores.

All our free website themes are offered along with both our Web Apps Installer and then our Quick Site Installer. Because of this it is easy to install the theme you’re keen on on a completely new website in seconds.

Free Website Themes

Free Web app Website Themes

Find free website themes for your next web app

With the tools that you have for you in the Control Panel, it’s easy to launch a completely new Joomla site or even a WordPress blog on your own. It’s also possible to pick out an attractive design and style for your web site from a huge selection of simple–to–customize themes.

You will get a new customizable theme when using the following applications: Wordpress, Joomla, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).’s themes are work with all releases of these applications and can be obtained at zero cost at any time.

Free App Themes

Free Site Builder Website Themes

100+ fully customizable free website themes

With the Free Website Creator, you can easily build your future web site for nothing, while not having to dedicate a penny on website creation. You have got at hand over 100 distinctive web site themes, which are available in several styles and also color schemes and which you could revise and individualize as you want.

You no longer need to be familiar with anything at all about HTML or CSS to be able to modify the look of the web templates. You can utilize the bundled manager to undertake everything. If you’ve employed a text–editing program, you will have no issue utilizing the manager.

Free Site Builder Themes